Quick Links: How do I contact a scheduler?, How do I change my account status?, How do I add my MSPA certification?, How do I fill out one of my shops?
This page shows all the shops assigned to you, any shop grades, and comments from reviewers. This is also where you can deactivate your shopper account and contact a scheduler.
The shop log is shown in the screenshot below with each major section numbered from 1 to 3. Brief descriptions of these sections immediately follow the screenshot.
Announcements – Shopper announcements are listed here. Click the
on the right side of that bar to expand announcements.
Account Info – Lists information related to this shopper account and allows some changes to be made to the account.
My Shops – This is where you can interact with all shops assigned to you. Shops can be filtered by status, date, and client.
Next we will cover the Shopper Info and My Shops section in greater detail and describe some of the things you can do with them.
Account Info
This section displays and lets you adjust some key aspects of your shopper account.
- Shopper ID – Your shopper identification number for this Mystery Shopping Company (MSP).
- Total # of Shops – The total number of shops that have been assigned to you.
- Shop Rating – The average of all your shop grades as well as the last shop grade you received.
- Account Status – Shows whether your account is active. Clicking on this box will expand to show an option to change status.
Clicking the Change button will bring you to a new page where you can activate or deactivate your account, and also provides an option to opt out of shop offer emails. - Extended Shopper Profile – The status of your Extended Shopper Profile (ESP). A warning will display if you need to update this. Clicking here will provide an Update button that takes you to the ESP.
- Geoverifications – This shows the number of confirmed Geoverifications on your account.
- MSPA Shopper Certifications – Any MSPA certifications that have been applied to your account will be shown here. Clicking this box will expand it to allow legacy MSPA certification codes to be entered. Newer MSPA certification codes are not supported.
- Tests and Qualifications – Clicking this box will show any qualifications you’ve earned. A link to the Shopper Testing Center is also provided here.
- Email Status – This box appears if your email address has not yet been verified in the system. Clicking here will expand to show a button that sends out a verification email to the address on your account.
- Shopper Citations – Citations can be positive, negative, or neutral. The number of citations on your account is shown here. Clicking the box will expand to show your citations, and clicking the plus (+) sign at the left with expand the row to see details regarding the citation.
My Shops
This section is a list of all shops assigned to you. From here you can view shop details, confirm shops, contact a scheduler, and view/submit shops.
Shop ID
This number can be found in parenthesis on each shop (ID: 1234567). It is located directly next to the shop status above the due date.
Click to expand the filter options. The list of assigned shops can be filtered by status (Any, Active, or Finished), date (Start, Due, Shopped, Submit Due, Submit, or Paid On), and client. Click the Go button to apply filters.
Shop Statuses
Every shop in your list of assigned shops has a status associated with it. The most important statuses for you are:
- New – This shop has been assigned to you but you have not entered any data for the shop yet.
- Incomplete – You have started filling out the form but you have not completed all required questions on the survey.
- Completed – You have completed the shop fully by answering all the required questions.
- Received – Your shop is being reviewed or finalized by an administrator from the mystery shopping company you shop for. They may send you a shop grade and shop comments to let you know how you did on your shop. This ONLY means that the shop is past the "Completed" status and is being handled by the MSP.
Shop Date Types
- Start (optional) – This is the date on and after which you can do the shop. The shop cannot be done before this date.
- Due – This is the date you have to visit the location by and do the mystery shop.
- Shopped – This is the date you performed the shop (as entered in the shop date question).
- Submit Due – This is the date by which your fully completed survey is due. By this date your shop should be in "Completed" status.
- Submit – This is the date you submitted your shop into Completed status
- Paid On – This is the date that the MSP has marked your shop as being paid.
Interacting with your assigned shops in the shop list
Click next to any shop to expand. The screenshot below shows a new shop that is expanded to display all options. In this example, the client name is "Joe's Company" and the survey name is "Test Survey".
- CONFIRM! – Confirms that you accept the shop.
- View/Submit – Takes you to the survey, and, upon completion, Submit.
- Help/Contact – Click this to contact the scheduler.
- Comments – View any comments the scheduler added to this shop.
- Directions – Takes you to a map with directions from the address in your shopper profile to the shop address.
- Finish Shop – Appears on incomplete shops. Takes you to the survey. Functionally identical to the View/Submit button.
- Shop Fees
- Fee – This is how much you will be paid for doing the mystery shop.
- Expenses: Up to – This is up to how much expenses you will be reimbursed for.
- Special Expenses: Up to – If any will be entered here.
- Bonus – Bonus amount if any.
This next screenshot shows an expanded completed shop.
Note that when a completed shop is expanded, the job rating and any reviewer comments will be displayed.